Admission Process

Incoming Freshmen Admissions Steps for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

1) Fill out and submit the online Admissions Application.

2) Print out and submit the following Recommendation Forms to your current school.  Upon completion, your school will mail to La Salle.

3) If you are interested in Financial Assistance, a need-based online application can be filled out by clicking here and using your 2022 tax returns.  

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are applying for Financial Assistance, you may also fill out the Central Washington Catholic Foundation’s “Tuition Assistance Program” (TAP) income-based application through FACTS as well.

4) Sign up for the High School Assessment (for incoming public-school freshmen). Please contact Mrs. Lisa Kanelopoulos to schedule the assessment time.

5) Sign up for Student Interview with Mrs. Kanelopoulos.

**Once all items have been completed and/or received, we will mail decision letters.  As a condition of acceptance, some freshmen may be required to attend the summer “High School Prep” course for Math or English.​

For information about Admissions, Mrs. Lisa Kanelopoulos, Admissions Director, at or (509) 225-2928.

For information about Financial Assistance, Mrs. Robin Soptich, Finance Director, at  or (509) 225-2992.